A downloadable game


Download TheBends.gba and open with a GameBoy Advance Emulator


  • Start: start the game
  • Start: (when in game) pause/unpause the game
  • Use arrows to move the player character. Press X to fire the bobber and catch fish.
  • Press B to vent oxygen and decrease internal pressure and move faster vertically


Press start on the boat/lobby screen. You will dive and catch fish. Your max capacity for fish is 20, and different fish have different values. The more valuable fish will be rarer. As you go deeper, The fish become more valuable. Use your 20 spots wisely to max out your score! Do not dawdle too long waiting for rare fish as you do have a limited amount of oxygen! Once your bag is full or if you want to cash out, you must make your way to the surface to cash out. Be careful as your internal pressure will not lower as fast as your external pressure. If the difference between the two exceeds 10, you will begin to take damage. If you reach the seafloor, there is a treasure that can double your score. However, ascending will become a lot harder as sea monsters will try to prevent your escape.


They say there is an experimental suit on the boat that will manage pressure so that you can ascend as fast as possible.


  • Start: initializes to start. Hitting start after win or lose will go to start. Hitting select in instructions from start will go back to start.
  • Instructions: hitting select on start, or select on pause.
  • Boat/Lobby: Hitting start after the start screen
  • Game: Press start on the Start screen, or start on the pause screen
  • Pause: Press start on the game screen.
  • Win: Going to the top of the screen. You can do this at the start, or after you have dived for a while. The idea is you cash out and get ready for the next run.
  • Lose: Dying. You can die by either running out of oxygen and taking damage, experiencing the bends by allowing your internal pressure to exceed 10 above external pressure when ascending, or by being attacked by the monsters after retrieving the treasure.

Source code available at: https://github.com/SandwichMitch/TheBends/

Published 1 day ago
TagsFishing, Roguelike


TheBends.gba 2.2 MB

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